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What's RealMe?

To log in to this service you need a RealMe login.

This service uses RealMe login to secure and protect your personal information.

RealMe login is a service from the New Zealand government that includes a single login, letting you use one username and password to access a wide range of services online.

Find out more at www.realme.govt.nz.

Understanding property planning

Property plans define your agency's medium to long-term property requirements, including what needs to be added to, changed or removed from the portfolio to support your strategic goals.

What is a property plan?

An effective property plan is part of wider strategic planning. It provides your agency with a view of:

  • property requirements to support the organisation – both in its current state and through projected workforce changes
  • priorities and affordability
  • how your property portfolio is expected to support the agency's long-term vision and goals.

For investment-intensive agencies, your property plan will also align with and expand on the property-related investments highlighted within your investment management system (IMS).

Why develop a property plan?

Quality property planning helps:

  • prioritise and document property investments
  • integrate the property function with the agency’s strategic planning and resourcing
  • manage the government property portfolio over time
  • measure performance and benefits delivered by workplace projects.

What type of property plan you need

If you have a complex nationwide property portfolio

Prepare property strategies and operational plans that are linked to your investment management system (IMS).

If you have a medium-scope, less complex portfolio

Include a property section in your IMS. A separate property plan isn't necessary.

For small, uncomplicated portfolios

Use a simple property plan template – or use the Government Property Portal's 'Intentions' tab – to ensure senior leadership are aware of the future intentions for property interests.

Mandated agencies can also log their intentions for specific leases in the 'Planning' tab of the 'Leases' module in the Government Property Portal.

Developing a property plan

Government Property Portal

Sharing property plans

Property planning is valuable to a range of external stakeholders, including other government agencies, ministers, and the Corporate Centre (Public Service Commission, The Treasury, the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, and System/Functional Leads for Procurement, Property and ICT).

Sharing your property plan with us and other agencies helps with:

  • wider government property planning
  • identifying opportunities to align and coordinate property activities
  • increasing efficiency and effectiveness through improved capability and service delivery
  • building a more integrated public service that is focused on collaboration.

We recommend sharing your draft property plan with us. We can identify regional opportunities, provide expertise and give your agency confidence that your plan aligns with government strategy.

Property plans do not have to be shared or published, but they can be requested by select committees and under the Official Information Act.

How we can help

We can:

  • help you identify the type of property plan you need
  • review your draft plan
  • share your property plan with agencies that may have opportunities for collaboration
  • provide examples of existing plans so they can act as a guide.

Contact us
